Various Lies

Friday, January 2, 2009

...Here I go again...

It appears that I'm about to relaunch my blog. After almost a year of inactivity on the old Some Lies, welcome to the new. I did actually get confused by Blogger/Google when I created a Gmail account and managed to lock myself out of my netscape account, but I guess I got un-lazy enough to just migrate my banner over here and start again.

There are many reasons why the old Some Lies is dormant, and as many reasons why it will stay that way.

So, welcome to the new Some Lies. Most of what you'll read here is true to a certain extent. But seeing as they're my stories I shall change names, faces and details as appropriate. Other times I'll just make shit up.

Oh yeah, I swear a lot too, so be warned.

Like anyone reads the first fucking post anyway...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. It lIves. It liiiivessss....