This is what comes of being an inherent blagger...
Email string between me and rep from Prestigious Local Institute:
On 05/28/10 7:30 AM, Organizer Dood, Ph.D
To: Dr. Tideliar
Hey [Dr. Tideliar]~
I heard you were selected as an editor for a journal...I was wondering if you could come and give a Career Development talk on editorial review at [Prestigious Institute] sometime in the second half of the year. Let me know if/when works for you. We usually do our seminars on Thursday afternoons from 4-5, but if that time/date doesn't work, we can work it out. Thanks, and I will buy you a beer afterward!
Organizer Dood.
On 06/01/10 9:13 AM, Tideliar
To:Organizer Dood
Hi Organizer Dood,
I'm not sure who said that I was editing for a journal; it's maybe half right. I am a copy editor for one of [Big Science redacted] databases, and that's freelance work I picked up by emailing the editors of the database. I also do freelance editing for scientific and technical articles (manuscripts, theses etc.), and I've worked as sub-contractor for the [Major US Science Institution Redacted] writing text books. All of this is freelance work though (tenacity, plus networking).
I interviewed at [Major Science Journal] a couple of years ago when I was job hunting, but soon realized that the combative nature of the job would be bad match for me, so I declined any offer and stayed put and then found my current position.
I'm happy to give a Career Development talk, but it would be something like "How to network and blag your way to a new position by the seat of your pants" kind of talk, not a "here's how to do it for job X" kind of talk :)
On 06/01/10 1:45 PM, Organizer Dood
Hi Tideliar,
We might have to work on the title, but that sounds awesome! We usually do our seminars at 4-5 on thursday afternoons, and we've got nothing scheduled following June 17th. so, we're free up for whenever you want to come and talk! Thanks a ton!
Organizer Dood
On 06/01/10 1:54 PM, Tideliar
To Organizer Dood
Oh shit. Really? I thought you'd say, "Thanks, but no thanks". Can I title it "Bullshitting your way through life: do's and don'ts"?
The Importance of Manufacturing
4 days ago
Ha Ha! That'll learn ya! But I would totally go to a seminar with that last title. I bet it would be the best one in the whole career series. :-)
I would attend that talk even if there were no cookies and coffee involved. I undersell myself all the time and wish I had the balls to bullshit my way through closed doors.
Hoisted by my own petard once again. I can't resist waxing lyrical and making gags. And I'm addicted to shameless self-promotion...
But, the more I think about it, the more I think it might be fun. I've been to a couple of career dev seminars that focused on non-lab skillz, and I could pitch it as that...networking, elevator pitch, value propositions etc. Things you must do to be successful *even as* a PI!
If it actually happens AND goes well I'll see about getting it up on slideshare or something LOL.
Freelancing is really hard to break into even with a network. And you have to be motivated. I always end up biting off more than I can chew, or having a bunch of proposals hit at the same time, at the worst time (like now when I need to be working on grant resubmissions...)
Haha - suck it! I usually find myself in these types of situations, too.
Wow...Thanks PiT! Feel the love :D
Oh, this is excellent. Slideshare won't do, we will be requiring a live video link-up, please.
But then to maintain my biofilm-thick veneer of psuedonymity I'd have to do it like Dr. Isis which means letting Them know about Tideliar... or I do it in disguise! Yes! A disguise!
I suggest a morph suit. You can drink through it, unlike Isis' surgical mask fuck up
Morph suit huh? Sounds kinky...
I never actually watched Isis video from Harvard (wasn't it?) all the way through yet, but is that the "disguise"?
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